The Satsuma City School System believes that children can learn when given the proper support and learning environment. The task of educators is to give support and structure to the classroom so that learning can take place; these supports can generally accomplish within the regular classroom. Sometimes, however, other support services are needed. The instructional support program of Satsuma City Schools assists students who need interventions. Instructional support staff may monitor student progress, consult with classroom teachers about effective strategies for students, assist students in the regular classroom with homework, organizational skills, test-taking strategies, classwork, and/or various other activities. Instructional support teachers and teacher assistants (aides) work at each school to provide academic support needed by students. A referral to special education may be needed when intensive interventions do not assist students with making progress.
The instructional support program also provides special education services to students with disabilities who qualify for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) 2004. The Satsuma City School System is committed to provide services to eligible students and to include students in the total school program.
- Who may refer a child for special education services?
- How long does it take for a referral to be completed?
- What are the guidelines that regulate the identification, placement, and provision of services to students with disabilities?
- Once a student is determined eligible for services, what happens?
- What are the types of special education services that a student might receive?
- How long is an IEP in effect?
- How do teachers know what is in their student's IEP?
- Once a student is eligible for special education services, how long does the student remain in a special education program?
- If a student is dismissed from services, is there any support for the child?
- What if a parent disagrees with decisions made by the IEP team?