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Satsuma City Schools Special Services Department follows record retention guidelines outlined in the Alabama Administrative Code Chapter 290-8-9.08(2)(H)1-3 and the Local Boards of Education Functional Analysis and Records Disposition Authority.

Local Boards of Education Functional Analysis and Records Disposition Authority (RDA)

Special Education Student Records (7.02)/Gifted and Talented Student Records (GEP Folders) (7.03). Records for each student enrolled in a special education program include identifying information, parental consent forms, and the most current eligibility documentation. Disposition in this edition of the Records Disposition Authority (RDA)—“Retain 5 years after the termination of the special education program in which they were used”—adheres exactly to the wording of Chapter 290-8-9.08(2)(h)1-3 of the Alabama Administrative Code, which provides rules for the retention of special education student records. Under the revised disposition, the Alabama State Department of Education has directed that on January 1, 2014, all records from January 1, 2009, and back may be destroyed, regardless of whether the student is active or inactive in the school system. The special education program referred to is the program created for an individual student, not the local school or school system’s overall special education program. The state department has also requested a minor change in disposition for records of gifted and talented students (7.03), with the phrase “reaches age 18" replacing “exits school.”

Click HERE to access the Local Boards of Education Functional Analysis and Records Disposition Authority (RDA). You can find this information on page 10 of the linked document.

The Alabama Administrative Code (AAC) Chapter 290-8-9.08(2)(h)1-3

(h) Retention and Destruction of the Records of Special Education Children.

1. The education agency must retain a copy of the education records containing personally identifiable information for a period of five (5) years after the termination of the special education program for which they were used.

2. A permanent education record that contains the child’s name, address, telephone number, his/her grades, record of attendance for special education services, classes attended, grade level completed, and year completed may be maintained without a time limitation.

3. At the end of the five-year retention period, the education agency must provide written notice to parents that informs them that the special education records are no longer needed. To meet the written notice requirement, education agencies may provide public notice in the newspaper which includes the years of the records that will be destroyed and the date of destruction. Individual written notice to parents in the form of a letter will also meet this requirement. The letter must also include the years of the records to be destroyed as well as the date of destruction. There must be at least ten (10) days between the written notice and the date of destruction. The parents may choose to receive the information or have it destroyed by the education agency. When the education agency is unable to locate the parents, the information no longer needed by the agency may be destroyed. The education agency is not prohibited from retaining special education records indefinitely as long as confidentiality is ensured.

Click HERE to access the AAC's Special Education Services, Chapter 290-8-9. You can find this information on page 531 or Chapter 290-8-9.08(2)(h)1-3.  

Notice of Destruction of Special Education and Gifted and Talented Program Records

Notice is hereby given that the Satsuma City Schools Special Services department intends to destroy Special Education and Gifted and Talented Program records of former students who graduated, completed their school program, transferred, or withdrew from Satsuma City Schools prior to the 2017-2018 school year. 

Any former student who has reached 18 years of age may review and/or receive a copy of these records by contacting the Special Services Department by October 13, 2023. 

According to federal law, parents and guardians lose their right to review or obtain these records when their child (the student) reaches 18 years of age or starts attending a post-secondary institution, whichever occurs first. However, a parent of a child with a disability who is 18 years of age or older may retain parental rights, provided that the child has been determined to be legally incompetent or legally incapacitated. 

In accordance with federal and state law, Special Education and Gifted and Talented Program records that are not claimed by October 13, 2023, will be destroyed. A written request for records to include the student's name, birthdate, and graduation date or date last attended on the request may be sent to the contact below. 

Satsuma City Schools
Attention: Lauren Perry
220 Baker Road
Satsuma, AL 36572

Telephone: (251) 380-8208

Please allow at least two weeks for the preparation of records and be prepared to present a government-issued photo ID for the release of records.