Many children with chronic illnesses and conditions attend school and may require medication administration during school hours. The goal of the school regarding the administration of medication during school hours is to assist students in maintaining an optimal state of wellness, thus enhancing the educational experience.
Medications should be administered before and after school hours when possible. Medication prescribed for three times a day should be given at home; just before leaving for school, upon returning home in the afternoon, and at bedtime. The only exception to this schedule is medication that must be given before or along with meals or is time ordered by the prescriber.
If a medication is required during school hours, the school nurse or authorized school personnel will administer the medication to assist students in maintaining a state of wellness as long as the following guidelines are followed:
- All students requiring a prescribed or over-the-counter (OTC) medication during school hours will require a School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form completed and signed by the licensed health care provider and parent/guardian. The form is available at each school and on the school web site. Medications will not be given until the completed form has been received.
- All prescription medication must be in the original container with a current pharmacy label with complete instructions matching the School Medication Prescriber /Parent Authorization.
- All prescribed over-the-counter medication must be in the original, unopened, sealed, unexpired container.
- The parent/guardian or the parent-designated adult must transport all medication to and from school. All medication will be counted when received and returned. Students are not allowed to bring medication to the school.
- The parent/guardian must give the first dose of a new medication at home in case of a possible allergic reaction.
- No more than a 30-day supply should be stored at school.
- Students are allowed to carry prescribed emergency medication once the correct forms are completed and the medication has been approved by the school nurse.
- Medication not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded.
- Any changes in medication will require a new and completed School Medication Prescriber /Parent Authorization.
Over-the-Counter Medications
All over-the counter medication will require the same School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization form as prescription medications. The school is not allowed to stock over-the-counter medications (such as Advil, Motrin, Tylenol, Pepto Bismol or syrups, etc.). Neither school personnel nor students are allowed to dispense nonprescription medications. All non-prescription medications must be in the original, unopened, sealed container bearing the entire manufacturer’s labeling and should be delivered to the school by the parent/guardian along with the authorization form. A pharmacy label is preferred, if unable to obtain a pharmacy label, the student’s name should be written legibly on the original sealed container. All liquid medications must have a calibrated medicine cup, spoon or syringe.
On-Self Medication and Self Administered Medication
In accordance with Section 16-1-39, Code of Alabama 1975, also known as the Kyle Grady Act, Satsuma City Schools shall permit students to have medications on-self and allow self-administration of medications by a student for chronic conditions if conducted in compliance with the State Department of Education and State Board of Nursing Medication Curriculum. Approved medications may be self-administered and carried on-self if the parent or legal guardian of the student provides all of the information outlined in the medication curriculum including but not limited to the following:
- Written and signed authorization for the self-administration on the Provider/Parent Authorization Form and the On-self/Self Medication Contract.
- Written and signed acknowledgement that the school shall incur no liability, and that the parent or legal guardian shall indemnify and hold harmless the school and the employees and agents of the school against any claims that may arise relating to the self-administration of approved medications.
- Written medical authorization that includes all of the following:
- The signature of the attending physician, or his or her authorized agent.
- Confirmation that the student has been instructed in the proper self-administration of the approved medication.
- The name, purpose, and prescribed dosage of the medications to be self-administered or to be kept on-self.
- The frequency with which the prescribed medications are to be administered.
- Any special instructions or circumstances under which the medications should be administered.
- The length of time for which the medications are prescribed.
- All documents provided to a school shall be kept on file in the office of the school nurse.
- Permission for the self-administration of approved medications shall only be effective for the school year in which permission is granted.
- Permission for self-administration of approved medications may be granted in subsequent years provided all requirements are satisfied.
- Upon obtaining permission to self-administer approved medications, a student shall be permitted to possess and self-administer approved medications, according to the orders of the prescriber, at any time while on school property or while attending a school-sponsored event.
- Nothing in this section shall be interpreted as permitting a student to possess a controlled substance, as defined in the medication curriculum, on school property.
If there is a discrepancy in the medication or orders, the school will not administer the medication until clarification is obtained.