McKinney-Vento Homeless Information
Defining Homeless
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that ensures immediate enrollment and educational stability for homeless children and youth. McKinney-Vento provides federal funding to states for the purpose of supporting district programs that serve homeless students.
The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children as "individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence." The act provides examples of children who would fall under this definition:
- Children and youth sharing housing due to loss of housing, economic hardship or a similar reason
- Children and youth living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or campgrounds due to lack of alternative accommodations
- Children and youth living in emergency or transitional shelters
- Children and youth abandoned in hospitals
- Children and youth awaiting foster care placement
- Children and youth whose primary nighttime residence is not ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation (e.g. park benches, etc)
- Children and youth living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations
- Migratory children and youth living in any of the above situations
The Homeless Liaison can be contacted to access the following referral services for homeless students and their parents/guardians:
Uniforms and school supplies
Medical, dental, or mental health services
Domestic violence prevention information and/or crisis telephone numbers to access domestic violence counselors and/or shelters
Transportation assistance
Referral to school-based services and community agencies as determined by Homeless Education staff
For more information, please contact the Satsuma City Schools Homeless Liaison, Steve Cochran at 251-380-8200. A copy of the Satsuma City Schools Homeless Plan can be found here.
Click here for our Homeless Brochure. Haga clic aquí para ver nuestro folleto para personas sin hogar.