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Welcome to Child Nutrition!

Children need healthy meals to learn. The goal of the Child Nutrition Program (CNP) is to provide healthy, tasty, and affordable meals to students in Satsuma City Schools. The City of Satsuma School System is proud to participate in the National School Lunch Program. Robert E. Lee Elementary offers breakfast and lunch, and Satsuma High School offers breakfast and lunch. Breakfast costs $1.25, and Lunch costs $2.95. Parents can pay online using EZSchoolPay (, an automated payment system, personal check or cash. Adult visitor* lunch is $3.85, and breakfast is $2.50. A child visitor* lunch is $3.75, and breakfast is $2.40.
*A visitor is defined as an individual not employed by or enrolled in Satsuma City Schools. *Reduced prices for breakfast and lunch are set by Federal guidelines.

Cafeteria menus are published monthly on the school and district websites.

Parent of students requiring special diets due to health conditions, allergies, or other restrictions must submit a Satsuma City Schools Diet Prescription For Meals At School form completed by a physician, dietician or recognized medical authority. The form is available on the school system website or here.

Satsuma City Schools use a contactless system for student breakfast and lunch purchases. To purchase a school meal, each student enters his/her lunch number on a keypad or scans his/her identification badge containing a barcode regardless of free, reduced, or paid lunch status. Satsuma cafeterias use offer versus serve. The offer versus serve option allows students to decline some of the food offered to diminish waste and allow students to choose the foods they prefer to eat.


  • Students may make deposits to a meal account at the serving line. Payments should include the student’s name and lunch account number.
  • Online deposits can be made to the student’s meal account using EZSchoolPay an online payment system. For assistance with EZSchoolPay contact CNP Director Mrs. Crystal Sealey at Specific online payment instructions are also located on school and district websites.
  • Students participating in the Free and Reduced Breakfast and Lunch Program may also deposit additional funds for meal payment or à la carte purchases into their meal accounts.
  • Breakfast and lunch money for elementary students may be sent to school in an envelope marked with the child’s name, homeroom teacher, and 5-digit meal account number, unless payments for meals are processed using
  • Please do not include funds for other purchases such as field trip money, fundraisers, etc. on checks designated for meal payment.
  • Only food served in the lunchroom can be purchased with the money deposited in meal accounts.
  • On the last day of school, any funds remaining on a student’s lunch account will automatically roll over to the next school year.


  • The Satsuma City Board of Education strongly discourages the charging of foods and beverages to meal accounts. An alternate meal may be served to students who have insufficient funds.
  • Uncollected cafeteria charges constitute a bad debt and are not allowed.
  • Extra servings and à la carte purchases are not allowed when a meal account has a negative balance.
  • The parent/guardian of any student who purchases foods and beverages from the Child Nutrition Program is required to provide funds through the meal account and is responsible for resolving all negative balances immediately.

The free and reduced meal application is available online. The process is secure, private, and available anytime, anywhere. Visit a school or the district website for information and a link to the application or contact Mrs. Crystal Sealey , CNP Director , at

  • Satsuma City Schools encourages each family to complete an application.
  • During registration each school year, parents/guardians will receive information with an application, or an application can be completed online.
  • Only one completed application per household is needed.
  • List every child enrolled in Satsuma City Schools on the same application.
  • Applications are processed as quickly as possible; however, it can take several days. Submit completed applications as soon as possible.
  • Students who received free or reduced meals last year must complete a new application each school year. Parents/guardians have up to thirty (30) days from the first day of school to complete and submit the new application. After the thirtieth (30th) day, parents/guardians are responsible for paying full price until their child’s application has been processed and re-approved by the Child Nutrition Program.
  • Parents/guardians are responsible for paying the full price for all meals until the Child Nutrition Program has processed a student’s meal application.

Fast food is not allowed in school cafeterias. As a result, bags, cups, or food containers that display fast food establishments are not permitted in the cafeteria. Parties are not permitted during mealtimes. Contact your child’s teacher and/or principal if you would like to bring a treat for a special occasion. Treats should meet healthy snack alternative standards. Support of parents/guardians is appreciated as Satsuma Schools foster a healthy school environment for students.

Need a Summer Feeding Program for your children?  Satsuma City Schools is not eligible to participate in Summer Feeding.  However, your children can participate in the program at Chickasaw High School that is serving lunch from 11-1 at Chickasaw High School, June 1st through June 25th.  Mobile Public Schools offers free lunches at 14 schools and also via four SuperFood Express buses.  Please go to their web page at for more information regarding the locations and times of their Summer Feeding Programs.